
Object numberMS 716 - (A3)
TitleSullam al-najāh
CreatorAbū Ya‘qūb [Isḥāq ibn Aḥmad] al-Sijistānī (Author)
DescriptionDescription: A (716): fol. 61-73b.
-- Black and red ink.
-- For other details see no.62.
Notes: Dated Jumādā al-Ūlā 1276/1859.
-- Variant readings ( خـ).
-- Black and red ink.
-- For other details see no.62.
Notes: Dated Jumādā al-Ūlā 1276/1859.
-- Variant readings ( خـ).
DocumentationGacek, Adam. Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Library of The Institute of Ismaili Studies (Vol. 1). London: Islamic Publications Ltd., 1984.
Object typemanuscript